Ultimate Conversion Compressor Wiki

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05-01-2018: New Project Released: VR Multiple Text/String Replacer
20-02-2018: UCC Conversions Index page is updated regularly, check back often
24-05-2018: UCC V4.1.4 Beta Tests ON HOLD!!!
24-05-2018: Ultimate Conversion Compressor V4.1.3.2 Update 3.0 Hotfix 1 Released!!!
03-06-2018: UCC File Splitter and Merger V2.0 Released!!!
04-06-2018: UCC UCC Files & Folders Lister V2.0 Released!!!
Top Wiki Home UCC Tutorial: The Basics UCC Tutorial: The Settings.ini File UCC Tutorial: The Data#.ini Files UCC Tutorial: The Files and Folders UCC Tutorial: Using UCC UCC Tutorial: Adding & Updating Compressors Downloads UCC Version History UCC Conversions Index UCC File Splitter & Merger Previous Versions Tutorials

Ultimate Conversion Compressor (UCC) By VollachR

UCC - The Basic
UCC - Settings.ini
UCC - Data#.ini
UCC - Usage Guide

UCC - The Basic

Get to know the basics of UCC

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UCC - Settings.ini

Understanding the Settings.ini file

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UCC - Data#.ini

Learn to use the Data#.ini files of UCC

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UCC - Usage Guide

Learn how to use UCC once set-up

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UCC - The Basic
UCC - Settings.ini
UCC - Data#.ini
UCC - Usage Guide

Welcome to the Ultimate Conversion Compressor Wiki

This Wiki is dedicate to teach you the ins & outs of using The Ultimate Conversion Compressor (UCC) by VollachR (That's Me), a complete script made tool to create PC Game conversions.

About the UCC Script/Tool

Ultimate Conversion Compressor or UCC for short is basically a highly complex batch script converted to executable, yes, not the most advanced coding language but the only one I know unfortunately.

UCC started out as a simple batch script that I gradually improved, it is based on the initial work of Fabioddq & Peterf1999, as it grown bigger with time I decided to invest more time into converting it to a full featured tool to help other conversion creators.

The initial version number of UCC is a direct evolution of my work on my simple batch script and the version numbers I assigned to it, this should explain why UCC started at version 4.1 for the initial public release on DVD9toDVD5 forum.


If you have any questions regarding UCC that you cannot find answers for in the available tutorials or want to offer your suggestions for improvements, feel free to contact me via one of the following ways:

  1. Use the discussion board here on the wiki
  2. PM Me on FileForum (Click Here)
  3. Message me on the UCC Official Facebook Page
  4. Or eMail me @ uccscrpt(at)outlook.com

If you run into any kind of bugs while using UCC please report the bug in one of the following ways:

  1. The UCC Official thread of FileForums
  2. Use the discussion board here on the wiki
  3. eMail me by clicking here
  4. Using the UCC Official Facebook Page

Please make sure to include a detailed description of the bug and what needs to be done to reproduce it.

Enjoy your stay!!!

Bottom Navigation
Top Wiki Home UCC Tutorial: The Basics UCC Tutorial: The Settings.ini File UCC Tutorial: The Data#.ini Files UCC Tutorial: The Files and Folders UCC Tutorial: Using UCC UCC Tutorial: Adding & Updating Compressors Downloads UCC Version History UCC Conversions Index UCC File Splitter & Merger Previous Versions Tutorials
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